Figure 7.
Estimated number of boutons of the contralateral (A) and ipsilateral (B) corticospinal projection from LPMCd to the anatomical subsectors of lamina VII of spinal segments C5-T1 in all LPMCd injection site cases. Each bar is the estimated number of boutons in each specified lamina VII subsector for an individual case as indicated on the abscissa. Note the general and gradual decline in total bouton numbers from cases SDM57-FD, in which the injection site was located most caudally in LPMCd, to case SDM72-LYD where the injection site was located most rostrally in LPMCd. Subsector abbreviations: DM, dorsomedial; DL, dorsolateral; VM, ventromedial; VL, ventrolateral; V, ventral