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. 2019 Sep 3;9:12685. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48943-2

Table 1.

Summary of locations, host tree species and the number of trees and developmental stages sampled from Amazon Conservatory for Tropical Studies Biological Station (NAPO), Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve (ALPE), and Jenaro Herrera Research Center (JEHE), as well as the total number of endophytes recovered per tree species, location and developmental stage.

Site Host Tree Species No. of Adult trees that had seedlings No. of seedlings sampled (Stem)/No. subsamples/No. of subsamples with endos No. of adult trees sampled (inner bark/No. subsamples/No. of subsamples with endos No. of endos recovered Recovery Rates (%)
Seedling Adult Seedling Adult
ALPE Hevea guianensis 16 48/144/127 16/81/53 180 69 88% 65%
Hevea pauciflora 15 45/135/103 16/117/70 132 81 76% 60%
Micrandra elata 10 30/63/38 15/126/84 54 92 60% 67%
Micrandra spruceana 5 15/45/41 9/54/45 58 52 91% 83%
Total sampled 46 141/396/309 55/387/256 424 294 78% 66%
JEHE Hevea brasiliensis 13 39/126/105 13/54/23 121 51 83% 43%
Hevea nitida 10 30/99/80 10/45/27 94 30 81% 60%
Micrandra spruceana 14 42/126/112 15/108/70 181 74 89% 65%
Total sampled 37 114/351/297 38/207/120 396 155 84% 58%
NAPO Hevea guianensis 16 48/144/133 21/189/153 197 201 92% 81%
Hevea nitida 9 27/72/54 11/72/45 64 58 75% 63%
Micrandra spruceana 17 51/144/121 19/162/99 156 116 84% 61%
Total sampled 42 126/360/308 51/423/297 417 375 86% 70%
Totals Total sampled 125 381/1107/914 144/1017/673 1237 824 83% 66%