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. 2019 Sep 3;9:12684. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49205-x

Table 1.

Distribution of selected characteristics of 1 156 cases and 1 013 controls among Hong Kong women.

Characteristic Controls (N = 1 013) Cases (N = 1 156) p-value
Age, Mean ± SD 54.25 ± 11.7 56.53 ± 11.8 <0.01
Educational attainment, n (%)
   Primary or below 364 (35.9) 429 (37.1)
   Secondary 529 (52.2) 579 (50.1)
   Tertiary 77 (7.6) 78 (6.7)
   Unknown 43 (4.2) 70 (6.1) 0.59
Family breast cancer history, n (%)
   No 972 (96.0) 1031 (89.2)
   Yes 41 (4.0) 125 (10.8) <0.01
Previous history of benign breast diseases, n (%)
   No 913 (90.1) 1017 (88.0)
   Yes 100 (9.9) 139 (12.0) 0.11
Menopausal status
   Pre-menopausal 341 (33.7) 388 (33.6)
   Post-menopausal 616 (60.8) 695 (60.1)
   Unknown 56 (5.5) 73 (6.3) 0.93
Body mass index, n (%)
   Normal (18.5–24.9) 541 (53.4) 630(54.5)
   Underweight (<18.5) 83 (8.7) 56 (4.8)
   Overweight (≥25.0) 228 (22.5) 399 (34.5)
   Unknown 161 (15.9) 71 (6.1) <0.01
Shift work, n (%)
   No 861 (85.0) 1007 (87.1)
   Yes 152 (15.0) 149 (12.9) 0.16
Tobacco smoking, n (%)
   Never 933 (92.1) 1077 (93.2)
   Former 34 (3.4) 37 (3.2)
   Current 46 (4.5) 42 (3.6) 0.55
Alcohol consumption, n (%)
   Non users 969 (95.7) 1098 (95.0)
   Users 44 (4.3) 58 (5.0) 0.46
Tea consumption, n (%)
   Non users 434 (42.8) 467 (40.4)
   Users 579 (57.2) 689 (59.6) 0.25
Deep Fried food consumption, n (%)
   Less than once per month 453 (44.7) 518 (44.8)
   Once per month 381 (37.6) 429 (37.1)
   Once per week 177 (17.5) 208 (18.0) 0.94
Green vegetable consumption, n (%)
   Less than 3 times per week 110 (10.9) 128 (11.1)
   4–6 times per week 90 (8.9) 128 (11.1)
   Everyday 813 (80.3) 900 (77.9) 0.22