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. 2019 Sep 3;9:12710. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49094-0

Table 3.

Data collection and refinement statistics of human CA VI-mimic and its complexes with inhibitors inhibitor 14, 25, and EZA.

Isoform-ligand CA VI-mimic – inhibitor 14 CA VI-mimic - EZA CA VI-mimic – inhibitor 25
Data-collection statistics
Space group P1211 P1211 P1211
Unit-cell parameters (Å) a = 42.3, b = 41.4, c = 71.2, β = 104.3° a = 42.1, b = 41.3, c = 71.4, β = 104.2° a = 42.2, b = 41.4, c = 71.9, β = 104.2°
Resolution range (Å) 1.42–69.0 1.30–40.9 1.35–69.7
Wavelength (Å) 0.976300 0.975522 0.975522
Radiation source EMBL, P14 EMBL, P14 EMBL, P14
Unique reflections number 42097 56403 52382
Rmerge, overall (outer shell) 0.042(0.241) 0.067 (0.334) 0.088 (0.338)
I/σ overall (outer shell) 22.7(7.2) 13.1 (5.0) 10.8 (4.1)
Multiplicity overall (outer shell) 7.0 (6.6) 6.9 (6.9) 6.8 (6.7)
Completeness (%) overall (outer shell) 92.8 (74.1) 96.4 (94.5) 98.8 (99.0)
Wilson B-factor 13.2 13.1 9.3
Refinement statistics:
Rwork 0.157 0.119 0.116
Rfree 0.185 0.157 0.156
RMSD bond lengths, (Å) 0.011 0.013 0.033
RMSD bond angles (°) 2.000 1.991 2.195
Average B factors (Å2):
all 16.7 20.4 15.0
main-chain 13.5 16.3 10.3
side-chain 16.2 21.7 14.8
inhibitors 26.9 13.3 17.3
waters 27.6 33.1 31.3
zinc 7.7 9.1 4.7
other molecules 40.5 37.0 36.9
Number of atoms:
all 2562 2380 2482
protein 2181 2111 2127
inhibitor 69 16 28
water 287 226 275
zinc 1 1 1
other molecules 24 26 51
Ramachandran statistics (%):
most favored regions 96 97 97
additionally allowed regions 4 3 3
outliers 0 0 0

All datasets were collected at 100 K, test set size was 10%.