Multiple sequence alignment of the 4CL protein using 10 plant species. The species represented by the abbreviations on the left side of the figure and their registration numbers in NCBI are as follows: Cf4CL (C. fortunei, MK236392), Cj4CL (C. japonica, AFJ73433.1), Mg4CL (Metasequoia glyptostroboides, AFJ73430.1), Pc4CL (Pseudotaxus chienii, AFJ73459.1), Gb4CL (Ginkgo biloba, AMN10098.1), Pm4CL (Pinus massoniana, ACO40513.1), Pt4CL (P. taeda, AAA92669.1), Pr4CL (P. radiate, ACF35279.1), Cl4CL (Cunninghamia lanceolate, AFX98059.1), Co4CL (Cinnamomum osmophloeum, AFG26323.1), Cs4CL (Camellia sinensis, ASU87411.1). The marked boxes are the six strongly conserved regions.