Table 1.
Authors 1 | Year Published | Type of Study 2 | PRRSV Strain(s) Used 3 | Location 4 | Transmission Distance Range Examined (Details) | Number Animals Used 5 | Number of Replicates Experiments | Duration of Exposure | Airborne Transmission Suggested |
Wills et al. [19] | 1997 | Experimental | ATCC VR-2402 (PRRSV-2) | USA | 46–102 centimeters (within room) | 65 | 5 | 31 days | No |
Torremorell et al. [27] | 1997 | Experimental | MN-1b and VR-2332 (PRRSV-2) | Minnesota, USA | 1 m (connecting pipe) | 46 | 2 | Up to 7 weeks | Potential |
Otake et al. [33] | 2002 | Semi-Experimental | MN-30100 (PRRSV-2) | USA | 1–80 m (within room, outside trailer, nearby facilities) | 210 | 1 | 21 days | No |
Trincado et al. [34] | 2004 | Semi-Experimental | MN-30100 (PRRSV-2) | USA | 15–30 m (plastic tube connector, nearby facility) | 165 | 1 | 21 days | No |
Kristensen et al. [31] | 2004 | Experimental | PRRSV-1 | Denmark | 1 m (connecting pipes) | 286 | 3 | 28–35 days | Yes |
Dee et al. [32] | 2005 | Experimental | MN-30100 (PRRSV-2) | USA | 1–150 m (connecting pipe) | 6 | 5 | 3 hours | |
Fano et al. [35] | 2005 | Semi-Experimental | MN 30,100 (PRRSV-2) | Minnesota, USA | 1–6 m (within room, connecting pipes, outside trailer) | 63 | 1 | 7 days | No |
Cho et al. [5] | 2007 | Experimental | MN-184 and MN-30100 (PRRSV-2) | Minnesota, USA | 1–2 m | 46 | 2 | 5 days | Dependent on genotype |
Pitkin et al. [36] | 2009 | Semi-Experimental | MN-184 (PRRSV-2) | Minnesota, USA | 4–120 m (nearby facilities) | 1340 | 26 | 14 days | Yes |
Dee et al. [28] | 2009 | Semi-Experimental | MN-184 (PRRSV-2) | Minnesota, USA | 1.7–4.7 km (air samples followed by bioassay) | 304 | 1 | 50 days | Potential |
Otake et al. [39] | 2010 | Semi-Experimental | RFLPs 1-8-4, 1-18-2, 1-26-2 (PRRSV-2) | Minnesota, USA | 1.4–10.2 km (air samples followed by bioassay) | 314 | 1 | 21 days | Yes |
1 Complete reference list with all authors and journal details can be found under the “References” section; 2 Experimental studies: studies controlled under highly controlled conditions (e.g., using pipes or connectors between populations); semi-experimental studies: studies controlled under controlled conditions but using a large sample size and attempting to mimic commercial conditions; field studies: studies conducted under commercial conditions and using “real” life data; 3 PRRSV-1 refers to the European PRRSV species, PRRSV-2 refers to the North American PRRSV species. Details in virus type was included for instances in which they were detailed by the authors.; 4 Geographical location where study was conducted. The state/province in which study was carried was noted for cases in which it was provided in the publication; 5 Approximate total number of animals used in study; calculations were based on described methodology and included challenged animals, sentinels and controls; for all replicates (as applicable).