Figure 3.
Ideal cardiovascular health in adolescence and abdominal aortic IMT. Ideal cardiovascular health score is the sum of the following health behaviors and factors: never smoked a cigarette; body mass index (BMI) <85th percentile; >60 min of moderate-intensity activity per day; four to five components of a healthy diet (fruit and vegetables ≥450 g/d, fish ≥200 g/wk, whole-grain bread ≥2 oz (28 g)/d, sodium <1500 mg/d, sugar-sweetened beverages ≤450 kcal/wk); total cholesterol <4.4 mmol/L; blood pressure <90th percentile; plasma glucose <5.6 mmol/L [38]. Reproduced with permission from Pahkala, K., Hietalampi, H., Laitinen, T.T., Viikari, J.S.A., Rönnemaa, T., Niinikoski, H., Lagström, H., Talvia, S., Jula, A., Heinonen, O.J., et al., Ideal Cardiovascular Health in Adolescence; published by Circulation, 2013.