Fig. 7.
AREs tend to have relatively long linker regions that potentially extend toward the ribosome bound antibiotics. (A) The structure of EttA and its interacting ribosomal components from PDB 3J5S[17] is shown alongside homology models of S. aureus VgaA and E. faecalis LsaA, using 3J5S as the template, with de novo modeling of the linker regions. The dotted circle shows the relative location of PTC-inhibiting antibiotics. Arm and linker regions are shaded in yellow and pink, respectively. (B) Extracts from the multiple sequence alignment of E. coli and B. subtilis ABCFs, and representative AREs, containing the Arm (yellow shading) and Linker (turquoise shading) subdomains. Alignment numbering is according to the EttA sequence. A boxed region shows a region that is particularly rich in proline and polyproline in various ABCF family members.