Figure 6.
Determination of the sequence of AtVIA by tandem mass spectrometry. MS/MS-electron-transfer dissociation (ETD) spectrum of the (M + 5H) + 5 ion of qCGADGQFCF(L/I)PG(L/I)G(L/I)NCCSG(L/I)C(L/I) (L/I)VCVPT after reduction and alkylation with 2-methylaziridine acquired on the Orbitrap Elite with 15,000 resolution (@ 400 m/z). N-terminal fragment ions (c-type ions) are indicated by ⌉ and C-terminal fragment ions (z-type ions) are indicated by ⌊. Doubly charged ions are indicated with ++ and z ions resulting from cleavage at cysteine and loss of the cysteine side chain are indicated with *. [M + 5H]+++++•• and [M + 5H]+++++••• indicates quintuply charged precursor ions that captured 2 or 3 electrons, respectively, but have not dissociated into fragment ions. Due to space limitations, not all different charge states of already labeled peptide bond cleavages are indicated in the figure. The mass accuracy for all fragment ions is better than 15 ppm. The mass spectrometer used cannot differentiate between isoleucine or leucine and, for simplicity, leucine is used in the figure to indicate a fragment ion of mass 113.08406.