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. 2019 Aug 11;55(8):465. doi: 10.3390/medicina55080465


Clinical Populations (n = 15)
Author(s) Study Design Sample Instrument Assessing MiL SB-Related Variables
Population Size (N) Psychiatric Diagnosis SI SA Completed Suicide Other SB-Related Variables and Main Commentaries
Moore, 1997 [42] Qualitative Elderly 11 Depression Hermeneutic analysis MiL descriptions were always tied to relational contexts: meaninglessness relative to missing (or perceived to be missing) connectedness
Heisel and Flett, 2004 [43] Cross-sectional Adults 49 Various PIL MiL accounted for significant variance in SI—also, a mediation model between satisfaction in life and SI and a moderation model between depression and SI
van Orden et al., 2012 [44] Longitudinal prospective Elderly 65 Depression, anxiety GSIS Perceived MiL subscale “Perceived burdensomeness” might contribute to suicide morbidity and mortality by eroding MiL
Holm et al., 2014 [45] Qualitative Elderly 9 Mood disorder Hermeneutic analysis MiL in the experience of SI was associated with existential aloneness: “Being alone without MiL”
García-Alandete et al., 2014 [46] Cross-sectional 16–60 yr old 80 Borderline personality disorder PIL-10 ↓ Suicide risk (measured accounting for general suicide risk factors), ↓ depression,↓ hopelessness
van Orden et al., 2015 [47] Qualitative Elderly 101 Various Semi-structured interviews “Thwarted belongingness” was associated with more lethal methods and increased re-attempts
Braden et al., 2015 [48] Cross-sectional Veterans 110 Depressive disorder LRI Framework subscale The relationship between MiL and SI remained significant after accounting for depressive symptoms, past SA, prior inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, and poor physical health
Marco et al., 2016 [19] Cross-sectional 13–68 yr old 224 Various PIL-10 Moderation model: MiL buffered associations between suicide risk factors and hopelessness
Marco et al., 2017a (study 2) [20] Cross-sectional 13–70 yr old 80 Borderline personality disorder PIL-10 MiL was also negatively correlated with other behavioral symptoms of borderline personality disorders, including suicidal threats, high-risk behaviors, drug overdoses, and aggressive behavior
Marco et al., 2017b [49] Cross-sectional 13–56 yr old 124 Borderline personality disorder PIL-10 Moderation model: MiL buffered associations between suicide risk factors and hopelessness
Marco et al., 2017c [50] Cross-sectional case-control 12–60 yr old 474 Eating disorder PIL Patients with eating disorders had lower MiLs and greater SI than the controls; MiL predicts greater levels of both eating disorder psychopathologies and SI
Pérez Rodriguez et al., 2017a [51] Cross-sectional 18–60 yr old 150 Various PIL-10 NS Hopelessness (specifically its affective component) differentiated between patients with non-suicidal self-injuries and those with SA but not MiL, which underlies the continuum of self-harm
Pérez Rodriguez et al., 2017b [52] Cross-sectional 12–60 yr old 348 Various (mainly eating disorder) PIL-10 Lower levels of MiL and higher levels of hopelessness, borderline symptoms, and non-suicidal self-injuries were associated with SA in the previous year
Lamis et al., 2018 [53] Cross-sectional 19–65 yr old 112 Bipolar disorder SWBS (EWB + RWB) Existential MiL but not religious well-being acted as a protective factor against SI among bipolar disorder patients and those who experienced childhood sexual abuse
Florez et al., 2018 [54] Longitudinal prospective Disadvantaged African American female survivors of a recent SA 113 PTSD SWBS (EWB + RWB) Mediation model: existential MiL, but not religious well-being, mediated the relationship between PTSD severity and both hopelessness and SI level

Note: MiL = Meaning in Life; SB = suicidal behavior; SI = suicidal ideation; SA = suicide attempt; PIL = Purpose in Life test; LRI = Life Regard Index; GSIS = Geriatric Suicide Ideation Scale; n.sp. = not specified; MLQ = Meaning in Life Questionnaire; 3-item MLQ = 3-item shortened version of the MLQ; EMIL = Experienced Meaning in Life instrument; PIL-10 = 10-item shortened version of the PIL; MLM = Meaningful Life Measure; yr = years; NS = not significant; SWBS = Spiritual Well-Being Scale; EWB = Existential Well-Being subscale; RWB = Religious Well-Being subscale.