Figure 2.
The effects of lentil supplementation on the fecal microbiota composition.(a) Fecal microbiota α-diversity as measured by Choa-1 and Shannon diversity indices; (b) β-diversity as shown by principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) of unweighted UniFrac distance matrices showing bacterial communities cluster within dietary groups and the percent of dataset variability explained by each principal coordinate is shown in the axis titles (Principle coordinate 1(PC1): 21.4%; PC2: 9.7%; PC3: 6.51%); Each dot represents one mouse and each group is denoted by a different colored symbol (pink: basal diet (BD); orange: pectin diet (PD); dark green: 5% lentil diet (LD); light green: 10% LD; blue: 20% LD); (c) microbiota taxa composition at the corresponding order (o), family (f) or genus (g) level (includes taxa representing >0.5% total composition in at least one sample); (d) Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio; values are mean ± SEM; columns without a common letter differ significantly (p < 0.05); (e) correlation between Prevotella and Bacteroides abundance calculated by Spearman’s correlation method (p < 0.05; false discovery rate (FDR): 0.05); each symbol represents one mouse and each group is denoted by a different colored symbol (pink: BD; orange: PD; dark green: 5% LD; light green: 10% LD; blue: 20% LD).