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. 2019 Sep 2;322(13):1271–1282. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.14231

Figure 1. Identification of Eligible Patients for Inclusion.

Figure 1.

Details of cohort construction and International Classification of Diseases and Current Procedural Terminology codes are available in Supplement 1. Application of enrollment criteria resulted in a total of 2287 surgical patients and 39 267 nonsurgical patients with type 2 diabetes medllitus and body mass index (BMI) 30 or greater before matching. Afterward, each surgical patient was matched with a propensity score to 5 nonsurgical patients based on 7 a priori–identified potential confounders including the index date, age at index date, sex, BMI at index date, location, insulin use, and presence of end-organ complications of diabetes. ED indicates emergency department.

aSome patients met multiple exclusion criteria.

bPatients with glycated hemoglobin values less than 6.5% and not taking diabetes medications at the index date were excluded.