Fig. 2.
The effect of MINCR silencing on NSCLC cells proliferation. NSCLC cells were transfected with negative control small interfering RNA (siRNA) (si-NC), MINCR siRNA-1 (si-MINCR-01), or MINCR siRNA-2 (si-MINCR-02), respectively, and the viabilities and proliferation were detected using MTT and immunofluorescence. a-b, silencing of MINCR in PC9 cells (a) and A549 cells (b) using siRNAs. c-e, The corresponding cell viabilities of PC9 cells (c), representative images (d) and statistic graphs (e) of proliferation marker Ki-67 positive cells. f-h, The corresponding cell viabilities of A549 cells (f), representative images (g) and statistic graphs (h) of proliferation marker Ki-67 positive cells. Each experiment was repeated independently at least three times. Data were presented as mean ± SD; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001