Fig. 5.
The effect of MINCR over-expression on the proliferation of PC9 cells. a,Over-expression of MINCR in PC9 cells using MINCR over-expression vector. b-d, the corresponding cell viabilities of PC9 cells (b), representative images (c) and statistic graphs (d) of proliferation marker Ki-67 positive cells. e-f, The protein expression levels (e) and statistic graphs (f) of c-Myc and its downstream effectors Cyclin A, Cyclin D, CDK4, and CDK2 in PC9 cells with or without MINCR over-expression. Each experiment was repeated independently at least three times. Data were presented as mean ± SD; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001