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. 2019 Sep 3;17:149. doi: 10.1186/s12955-019-1218-6

Table 1.

Baseline sociodemographic, psychosocial and clinical characteristics of hospital survivors of an acute coronary syndrome according to measures of religiosity, TRACE-CORE

Characteristics Strength and comfort from religion Petition prayers for health Intercessory prayers for health
A great deal (n = 524) Little/Some (n = 362) None (n = 153) Yes (n = 616) No (n = 423) Yes (n = 918) No (n = 121)
 Age (mean, years (sd)) 63.9 (10.5) 61.1 (10.6) 61.0 (11.3) * 63.2 (10.6) 61.5 (10.9) * 62.3 (10.7) 63.7 (11.0)
 Age (years, %)
  < 55 20.8 28.2 31.4 22.7 28.1 25.6 19.8
  55–64 29.4 35.6 27.4 30.7 32.2 31.5 29.8
  ≥ 65 49.8 36.2 41.2 46.6 39.7 42.9 50.4
 Women (%) *** 45.4 22.9 17.0 41.9 21.0 35.5 17.4
 Married (%) 58.6 68.2 61.4* 61.2 64.1 62.4 62.0
 Race/Ethnicity (%) ***
  Non-Hispanic Whites 78.0 92.0 96.0 80.0 93.6 84.6 92.6
  Non-Hispanic Blacks 19.7 5.2 2.0 17.4 4.3 13.0 5.0
  Hispanics 2.3 2.8 2.0 2.6 2.1 2.4 2.4
 Education (≤ high school) (%) 41.8 40.6 38.6 43.3 37.3 41.0 40.5
 Unemployed/retired (%) 65.3 53.9 47.1* 63.6 51.3* 58.6 58.7
 Uninsured (%) 6.1 6.3 7.8 6.5 6.4 6.4 6.6
Psychosocial (%)
 High perceived stress 44.8 43.1 35.9 44.3 32.2* 47.7 35.9*
 Depressive Symptomsb
  None 52.5 54.7 60.8 50.8 59.8 52.9 66.1
  Mild 29.0 28.4 20.3 28.4 26.2 28.7 19.0
  Moderate 12.0 10.5 12.4 13.3 9.0 11.4 12.4
  Moderately Severe/Severe 6.4 6.4 6.5 7.5 5.0* 6.0 2.5*
 Anxiety Symptomsc
  None 55.3 56.6 62.8 53.1 62.4 55.7 66.1
  Mild 20.6 22.7 18.3 20.6 21.5 21.7 15.7
  Moderate/Severe 24.1 20.7 18.9 26.3 16.1* 22.6 18.2
 Low health literacy 38.0 34.4 32.4 37.1 34.3 35.8 38.8
 Low social support 4.2 2.8 7.2 4.2 4.0 3.5 9.1*
 Cognitive impairment d *** 18.9 10.8 5.2 19.2 6.6 15.0 6.6
 Patient Activation Level (%)
  1: Disengaged (lowest) 19.3 22.4 19.0 20.4 20.1 19.9 23.2
  2: Aware 33.6 34.2 47.7 35.1 37.1 35.6 38.0
  3: Taking Action 22.9 18.5 22.2 20.1 22.9 21.5 19.8
  4: Maintaining Behaviors 24.2 24.9 11.1* 24.4 19.9 23.0 19.0
Behavioral and Clinical
 Length of stay, ≥3 days (%) *** 42.9 66.0 77.8 52.6 31.2 45.5 31.4
 Alcohol use (%) ***
  No alcohol use 49.8 32.3 32.7 47.2 32.4 42.5 31.4
  Rare/occasional 32.8 40.6 39.2 33.1 41.4 36.8 33.9
  Moderate/heavy 17.4 27.1 28.1 19.7 26.2 20.7 34.7
 Smoking status (%) ***
  Non-smoker 35.7 26.5 29.4 34.9 26.7 32.7 23.1
  Prior smoker 49.4 50.8 46.4 49.2 49.9 49.7 47.9
  Current smoker 14.9 22.7 24.2 15.9 23.4 17.6 29.0
 GRACE risk score, mean (SD)e 99.6 (26.4) 93.1 (26.3) 92.3 (26.9) * 98.2 (26.1) 93.5 (27.1) * 96.2 (26.9) 96.9 (25.6)
 Co-morbidities at admission (%)
  Chronic kidney disease 11.4 8.6 7.2 11.8 9.9 13.8 8.3
  Congestive heart failure 13.7 9.7 8.5 13.8 8.3* 11.8 9.9
  Diabetes mellitus 33.8 28.7 28.8 32.0 30.3 31.5 29.7
  Hypertension 80.0 69.6 69.3* 77.9 70.2* 75.4 70.2
  Stroke 5.7 4.7 0.6* 6.2 2.4* 4.9 2.5
 Type of ACS (%)
  Unstable Angina 33.4 28.2 26.8 33.3 19.4 30.6 30.6
  NSTEMI 54.6 55.5 53.4 55.4 53.9 54.8 54.5
  STEMI 12.0 16.3 19.6 11.3 26.7* 14.6 14.9
Reperfusion therapy (%)
  Medical treatment 20.8 16.0 18.3 20.1 16.8 19.2 15.7
  PCI 64.5 71.8 71.9 65.1 72.6 67.0 76.9
  CABG 14.7 12.2 9.8 14.8 10.6* 13.8 7.4
 Cardiac rehabilitation referral (%) *** 33.8 49.4 55.6 35.9 52.0 40.7 55.3

Abbreviations: NSTEMI Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, STEMI ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, CABG coronary artery by-pass graft

* P < 0.05 across response categories for respective religiosity measure; a Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale Score (≥4 median, high perceived stress); *** P < 0.05 across response categories for all 3 religiosity measures; b PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire 9 item score (5–9 mild; 10–14 moderate; 15–19 moderately severe; and ≥ 20 severe depression)

c GAD-7 General Anxiety Disorder 7 item score (5–9 mild; 10–14 moderate; ≥15 severe anxiety); dTICS Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status Score (≤ 28 impaired)

e GRACE risk score estimates mortality risk at 1 and 3 years after ACS admission. Score ranges from 0 to 263, higher scores worse. Derived from data on age, systolic blood pressure, ST segment changes, cardiac biomarkers, serum creatinine or history of renal dysfunction, Killip class or diuretic use, cardiac arrest during hospitalization for ACS