Fig 1.
Rates of ischaemic heart disease and stroke in fish eaters and vegetarians (including vegans) compared with meat eaters in the EPIC-Oxford study (n=48 188). Meat eaters were participants who reported eating meat, regardless of whether they ate fish, dairy, or eggs; fish eaters were participants who did not eat meat but did eat fish; and vegetarians included vegans. Meat eaters were used as the reference group throughout. All analyses included age as the underlying time variable; were stratified by sex, method of recruitment (general practice or postal), and region (seven categories); and were adjusted for year of recruitment (per year), education (no qualifications, basic secondary (eg, O level), higher secondary (eg, A level), degree, unknown), Townsend deprivation index (quarters, unknown), smoking (never, former, light, heavy, unknown), alcohol consumption (<1, 1-7, 8-15, ≥16 g/day), physical activity (inactive, low activity, moderately active, very active, unknown), dietary supplement use (no, yes, unknown), and oral contraceptive and hormone replacement therapy use in women. P heterogeneity=significance of heterogeneity in risk between diet groups based on Wald tests. Box sizes are proportional to the number of cases in each group