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. 2019 Sep 3;173(11):1032–1040. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.2825

Table 1. Characteristics and Use of Empirical Antibiotic Therapy in Included Studiesa.

Source Location Setting Design Births, No. Included EOS Calculator Conventional Strategy Reduction in Empirical AB
No. Empirical AB, No. (%) Strategy No. Empirical AB, No. (%) Absolute % Relative Risk, % (95% CI)
Before-After Analysis
Kuzniewicz et al,15 2017 United States Mixed Prospective 204 485 GA ≥35 wk 56 261 1698 (3.0) CDC informed 95 543 5226 (5.5) 2.5 55.2 (52-58)
Achten et al,26 2018 The Netherlands Regional Retrospective and prospective 3953 GA ≥35 wk 1877 51 (2.7) National guideline informed 2076 100 (4.8) 2.1 56.4 (40-79)
Dhudasia et al,27 2018 United States Tertiary Retrospective and prospective 11 782 GA ≥36 wk 6090 222 (3.6) CDC and AAP informed 5692 356 (6.3) 2.6 58.3 (49-69)
Strunk et al,28 2018 Australia Tertiary Prospective 4233 GA ≥35 wk 2502 206 (8.2) Adaptation AAP guideline 1732 237 (13.7) 5.5 60.2 (50-72)
Hypothetical Database Analysis
Gievers et al,29 2018 United States Tertiary Retrospective and prospective 9039 Chorioamnionitis, GA ≥35 wk 143 13 (9.1) CDC informed 213 203 (95.3) 86.2 9.5 (6-16)
Beavers et al,30 2018 United States Tertiary Retrospective NR Chorioamnionitis, GA ≥35 wk 76 28 (36.8) Preimplementation 180 168 (93.3) 57.0 39.3 (29-53)
Shakib et al,31 2015 United States Tertiary Retrospective 20 262 Chorioamnionitis, well-appearing, GA ≥34 wk 698 39-86 (5.6-12.3)b Actual practice (CDC and CFN informed) NA 430 (61.6) 49.3-56.0b 9.1-20.0b
Kerste et al,32 2016 The Netherlands Regional Retrospective 2094 AB for suspected EOS, GA ≥34 wk 108 51 (47.2) Actual practice (national guideline informed) NA 108 (100) 52.8c 47.2 (39-58)c
Warren et al,33 2017 United States Tertiary Retrospective NR AB for suspected EOS, GA ≥34 wk 202 47 (23.3) CDC guideline NA 188 (93.1) 69.8c 25.0 (19-32)c
Money et al,34 2017 United States Tertiary Retrospective 19 525 Chorioamnionitis, well-appearing for 24 h, GA ≥35 wkc 362 9 (2.5) Current protocol (CDC and AAP informed) NA 361 (99.7)d 97.2d 2.5 (1-5)d
Carola et al,35 2018 United States Tertiary Retrospective 17 908 Chorioamnionitis, GA ≥35 wk 896 209 (23.3) Actual practice (AB if chorioamnionitis) NA 896 (100) 76.7 23.3 (21-27)
Joshi et al,36 2019 United States Tertiary Retrospective 10 002 Chorioamnionitis, well-appearing at birth, GA ≥34 wk 596 53 (8.9) Institutional practice (AB if chorioamnionitis) NA 596 (100) 91.1 8.9 (3-11)
Klingaman et al,37 2018 United States Tertiary Prospective 505 GA ≥35 wk 505 2 (0.4) CDC informed NA 9 (17.8) 1.4 22.2 (5-102)

Abbreviations: AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; AB, antibiotics; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CFN, Committee on the Fetus and Newborn; EOS, early-onset sepsis; GA, gestational age; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported.


Births = number of births in total study period in the eligible GA range; included = inclusion criteria used to select study population; chorioamnionitis = newborns with a mother who received a diagnosis of chorioamnionitis; reduction in AB = (hypothetical) reduction in empirical AB for EOS achieved by using the EOS calculator.


Reduction range reported (precluding calculation of meaningful CI), as depending on outcome of newborns in observe-and-evaluate category.


Studies limited to AB-treated infants; reported results represent estimations of maximum potential reduction of empirical AB by EOS calculator use.


Sampling of study excluded 41 infants who were symptomatic at birth and 38 infants developing symptoms after initial examination, resulting in an estimated reduction that does not reflect a potential implementation scenario.