Fig. 1. CWO treatment reduces skin tumor burden and decreases malignant conversion to cSCC.
A. Schematic of the two-step chemical carcinogenesis model.
B. The same mice are shown at week 0 and week 11. Tumors progressed in size and severity in the vehicle treated mouse (wk 0=16 vs wk 11=28 tumors). CWO treated tumors regressed (wk 0=12 tumors vs wk 11=0 tumors). Arrow denotes a malignant conversion in the vehicle treated group.
C. Topical CWO treatment significantly reduced the average number of lesions per mouse. Two-way ANOVA [N=10 mice/group, P<0.0001, group effect F(1,257)=196.04]. #P<0.01, ϕP<0.0001 Bonferroni post hoc.
D. Malignant conversion to SCC showed significant difference between treatment groups (Boltzmann fits, difference between fits F(4,30)=46.28, P<0.0001; CWO: R2=0.99, Max cSCC=12.0 weeks; Vehicle: R2=0.98, Max cSCC=15046).