Oligodendrocyte remyelination can be distinguished from Schwann cell remyelination. a, b, Toluidine blue-stained transverse sections of hESC-derived OPC-transplanted animals at the magnification used for quantification, illustrating measurements of the myelin sheath thickness of oligodendrocyte-remyelinated axons (a) and Schwann cell-remyelinated axons (b). Magnification: a, b, 2000×. c, Myelin sheath thickness against axon diameter in oligodendrocyte-remyelinated and Schwann cell-remyelinated axons. The G-ratio was 10 ± 4 (53)* for oligodendrocyte-myelinated axons and 41 ± 16 (48) for Schwann cell-remyelinated axons. Myelin sheath thickness in axons remyelinated by oligodendrocytes never reached the thickness observed in Schwann cell-remyelinated axons. *, Data are expressed as mean ± SD; the number in parentheses shows the number of axons scored.