Intensity of trkA, Nav1.8, and Nav1.9 immunostaining versus AP duration and height. A, AP duration in all neurons subdivided into C, Aδ, and Aα/β. B, AP duration in Aα/β neurons. C, AP height in Aα/β neurons. Units in B and C are subdivided into nociceptive and LTM units. A-fiber unresponsive neurons are excluded. In A and B, only neurons with resting membrane potential greater than or equal to -40 mV (with 1 exception: -39 mV in 1 C nociceptor) and overshooting somatic APs are included. In C, all Aα/β neurons with AP overshoot more than or equal to -20 mV and AP height ≥35 mV are included. Symbols in B relate to B and C. Regression lines are given for significant linear correlation, and p and r2 values are given in Table 1. NOC, Nociceptive.