Figure 6.
Apoptosis is augmented in necdin-deficient embryonic DRGs in vivo. A, TUNEL assay. Frozen sections of cervical DRGs from wild-type (Ndn+m/+p) and necdin-deficient (Ndn+m/-p) littermates at E12.5 were double stained for TUNEL and necdin with antibody NC243. B, Immunohistochemistry for activated capase-3. Frozen sections of cervical DRGs from wild-type and necdin-deficient littermates at E12.5 were double immunostained for activated caspase-3 (Casp3act) with rabbit cleaved caspase-3 end-specific antibody and for necdin with guinea pig anti-necdin antibody GN1. Scale bars, 50 μm. Quantitative data for A and B are given in Results.