In cocultures, nuclear translocation is preceded by forward migration of perinuclear organelles. A, Time-lapse sequence of a GFP-expressing MGE cell migrating on wild-type dissociated cortical cells and imaged each 3 min using a 20× objective. Before the nuclear translocation (frames 01:39, 01:42), perinuclear material (white arrowhead) moves rostrally in the leading neurite and individualizes from the perinuclear compartment to which it remains linked by a thin bridge (open arrowhead). Elapsed time is indicated in hours and minutes on each frame. Scale bar, 10 μm. B, Graphs correlate the distance between the nucleus and rostral swelling (gray curves) with the successive nuclear displacements (black curves) in two cells. Nuclear translocations are represented as peaks in the black curve (black arrowheads). During waiting phases of the nucleus, the swelling moves away from the nucleus (ascending gray curve) until reaching a maximum distance (dmax; gray arrowheads). In the cell illustrated in the bottom graph, the nucleus reached the rostral swelling in two jumps.