β-Adrenergic receptor activation paired with subthreshold stimulation renders LTP immune to DPT. A, LFS given 10 min after 5 Hz stimulation in the presence of ISO did not persistently erase LTP (open squares). B, LFS given 10 min after 1 × 100 Hz stimulation in the presence of ISO did not persistently erase LTP (open squares). In contrast, when LFS was applied 10 min after 1 × 100 Hz stimulation alone, persistent DPT was observed (filled circles). C, LFS given after ISO application and washout did not persistently alter synaptic strength (open triangles). D, Summary histogram for these experiments comparing fEPSP slopes measured immediately before depotentiating LFS with fEPSP slopes obtained 120 min after depotentiating LFS (**p < 0.01). All sample traces were taken 10 min after commencement of baseline recording and 120 min after depotentiating LFS stimulation. depo, Depotentiation. Calibration: 5 mV, 2 ms.