Figure 3.
TOR-2 downregulates GFP::DAT-1. A, GFP fluorescence is greatly diminished within the axons (arrowheads) and dendrites (arrows) of DA neurons when TOR-2 is co-overexpressed and moderately diminished when TOR-2(Δ367) is co-overexpressed with GFP::DAT-1. Scale bar, 20 μm. B, Western analysis of GFP::DAT-1 demonstrating that there is a higher level of DAT-1 in worms that do not co-overexpress TOR-2. GFP antibody was used to detect the GFP::DAT-1 fusion protein band; TOR-2 antibody was used to detect the level of TOR-2 expression. Actin was probed for each line as a loading control.