Results of the PPI analyses from a representative subject (number 1586). Black circles, Measurements during manipulation of timing; red triangles, measurements during manipulation of order. btiming and border are the condition-specific regression slopes. Mean corrected activity (in arbitrary units) in the right MFG, which was activated during both conditions (Fig. 3), is displayed as a function of mean corrected activity in right putamen (A) and right posterior cerebellum (B). A, Activity in right MFG (voxel coordinates of subject 1586: x, y, z = 46, 42, 20) was more tightly coupled with activity in right putamen than right posterior cerebellum when manipulation of timing was compared with manipulation of order. The difference between the regression slopes constitutes the PPI (p < 0.001; T = 4.05). B, Mean corrected activity in right MFG (voxel coordinates of subject 1586, x, y, z = 46, 44, 18) is displayed as a function of mean corrected activity in right posterior cerebellum. This PPI was significant at p < 0.001 (T = 3.67).