Membrane properties of rhythmic neurons in the HF generator at E15. A, Left, Photograph of seven recorded neurons loaded with biocytin revealed with Extravidine-FITC (green) positioned in the region identified by its immunoreactivity for NK1R (red) and scheme of the recording montage. Right, Intracellular recording from a rhythmic neuron (top trace) recorded simultaneously with integrated population activity obtained with a suction electrode positioned at the surface in the ventrolateral region (bottom trace) at E15. The neuron discharged in phase with population activity but failed to generate a burst of action potentials during one population burst (*), thus revealing underlying excitatory synaptic inputs. XII, Hypoglossal nucleus. B, The voltage-dependent bursting properties of a rhythmic neuron recorded simultaneously with the neighboring population activity was tested with current injection via the intracellular recording pipette. At -55 mV, the neuron fired in phase with the population activity, generated additional bursts of action potential (asterisks) at -48 mV in between population bursting activity, and discharged tonically at -42 mV. C1, Graph representing the mean I-V curve obtained from 14 rhythmically active neurons recorded from 10 slices. C2, Graph representing the mean Ih current amplitude versus voltage obtained from nine rhythmically active neurons from nine slices. Error bars represent SEM.