Figure 3.
ΔΨm fluctuations during interictal activity. A, A 3-D reconstruction of an Rh-123-filled CA3 pyramidal cell, with bright spots indicating mitochondria. Note that the sensitivity of the detection was increased in A and C to visualize cellular morphology. The patch pipette is marked with “P,” and the squares correspond to the higher-magnification images on the right. The fluorescence fluctuations of the numbered mitochondria in the dendrites (top) and in the soma (bottom) are shown in B. B, Rh-123 fluorescence fluctuations in the soma and dendrites during interictal activity. Short interictal discharges (top) were associated with fluctuations of Rh-123 fluorescence in the dendrites (middle) but not in the soma (bottom). Note that fluctuations coincide in adjacent dendrites (mitochondria labeled 2 and 3), whereas independent fluctuations may occur in remote dendrites (mitochondrion labeled 1). C, A 3-D reconstruction of an Rh-123-filled CA3 pyramidal cell, the square corresponds to the higher-magnification image on the right. The pseudocolor image on the right represents the part of the basal dendrites in which fluorescence monitoring was done. Fluorescence changes in the dendrites marked with 1 and 2 are presented in D (supplemental time-lapse movie is available on-line at D, Coincidence of the mitochondrial Rh-123 fluorescence fluctuations during interictal activity (top). Three adjacent mitochondria from two neighboring dendrites (1 and 2) were compared, and the dotted line indicates individual Rh-123 fluorescence transients. a, Rh-123 fluorescence transient occurring in dendrite 1, but not in dendrite 2; b, c, Rh-123 fluorescence transients, which remained localized around a single mitochondrion; d, Rh-123 fluorescence transients occurring simultaneously in both dendrites.