Amplification of glutamate responses by sodium channels. A, Current-clamp recordings of responses to dendritic glutamate application for a control and a TTX-treated neuron. Black traces are responses in ACSF; gray traces are responses after wash-in of 1 μm TTX. Holding membrane potential was -70 mV. Calibration: 10 mV, 100 ms. B, Black bars represent control neurons (n = 6); gray bars represent TTX-treated neurons (n = 10). Asterisk indicates a significant difference (p < 0.05) between responses before and after TTX wash-in (paired Student's t test). C, Mean amplitude of the glutamate responses recorded in voltage clamp (at -70 mV) after wash-in of TTX, expressed as a percentage of values in ACSF alone. Left bars represent data from all dendritic locations, and right bars represent data from dendritic locations >150 μm from the soma. Data are from 8 control and 12 TTX-treated neurons.