Distribution of GluR1 labeling on BG processes surrounding CF and PF synapses. A, Schematic of a synapse surrounded by a BG process (gray). Arrows indicated the presynaptic and spine sections of the BG. The space between the dashed lines represents the synaptic cleft section of the BG process apposed to presynaptic and spine plasma membrane. Gold particles assigned to the “Cleft” category were, on average, 84 nm from the “T” intersection of the apposition between the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes. Particles in the “Pre” category are those found along the rest of the apposition of the presynaptic bouton, whereas those in the “Spine” category are those apposing the spine up to the spine neck. B, C, Histograms show the density of gold particles for GluR1 at these three membrane sections surrounding CF and PF synapses. Pre, Presynaptic. *p<0.05. D, Histograms show the distribution of clusters of one or two and three to six gold particles labeling GluR1 on the BG membrane at the presynaptic, cleft, and spine membrane sections. The percentage of the two groups was related to the total population of gold particles (n = 215 gold particles). Error bars represent SE.