Reelin enhances glutamate-stimulated Ca2+ influx through the NMDA receptor in wild-type cortical neurons. At 12–13 DIV, the cultured cortical neurons were stimulated with glutamate in the presence of TTX, nimodipine, and CNQX. A, Basal and peak 340/380 ratios are shown for individual cortical neurons. Basal ratios were determined as the average of the ratio values 35–15 s before glutamate application. Peak values were determined from maximal signals observed 25–60 s after glutamate application. Trace of 340/380 ratio for the representative cell is shown in B. Presence of glutamate in the buffer is indicated by the horizontal bar. Changes in 340/380 ratios at peak and basal were calculated for each cell as R(peak) – R(basal). Cells were categorized by their R(peak) – R(basal) values, and responding distribution of the cells was plotted in C (n = number of cells). Basal and peak 340/380 ratio, trace of representative 340/380 ratio, and distribution of Reelin responding cells are shown in D–F respectively. Basal and peak 340/380 ratios are shown for individual Reel in-treated cortical neurons perfused with Ca2+-free ACSF (G) and d-APV (J). Traces of 340/380 ratios for representative cells are shown in H and K. Presence of glutamate in the buffer is indicated by the horizontal bar. Responding distributions for each different treatment are shown in I and L (n = number of cells).