Figure 4.
Overexpression of PI(4)5-kinase increases the Po of Kv7 channels in patches and increases whole-cell Kv7.2 but not Kv7.3, currents. A, Individual sweeps from a patch containing either a single Kv7.2/7.3 or a Kv7.2 channel from control CHO cells or those cotransfected with PI(4)5-kinase are shown. Recordings were first made in on-cell modes, followed by excision to inside-out modes. O, Open channel levels; C, closed channel levels. B, Bars show the mean Po at 0 mV for all of the on-cell patches. C, Bars show whole-cell current amplitudes from CHO cells transfected with Kv7.2 or Kv7.3 alone or together with PI(4)5-kinase. Traces from representative experiments are displayed above. The voltage protocol used is as shown.