Neurons from Cdk5-/- cortex fail to differentiate in culture. A-C, E16.5 cortical neurons cultured for 5 d were fixed and labeled with anti-βIII tubulin (Tuj1, green) and counterstained with the nuclear marker DAPI. Note that neurite extension and complexity are both decreased in Cdk5-/- (C) cortical cultures compared with Cdk5+/+ (A) and Cdk5+/- (B) cultures. D-F, E16.5 cortical neurons cultured for 5 d were labeled for all Map-2 isoforms with a polyclonal anti-Map-2 antibody (red) and counterstained with DAPI. In Cdk5-/- cultures, there was a significant loss of Map-2-positive neurons (F) with the few cells that were stained showing fluorescence near the soma only. G, Counts of TuJ1-positive neurons indicate no loss of cells (n = 3; ANOVA). H, Quantification of Map-2-positive cells reveals a significant reduction of neurons that express Map-2 in mutant cultures (n = 3; **p < 0.01, ANOVA). There was, however, no decrease in total neuron number as shown in G. Error bars represent SEM.