Neuropathological and inflammatory changes after intraperitoneal LPS. a-c, Tomato lectin staining for microglial cells in brains from NBH+LPS (a), ME7+saline (b), and ME7+LPS (c) animals. d-f, IL-1β immunostaining in NBH+LPS (d), ME7+saline (e), and ME7+LPS (f) brains (inset illustrates clear IL-1β-positive staining in cells with microglial morphology at 63× magnification). Immunostaining for cyclooxygenase-2 in NBH+LPS (g), ME7+saline (h), and ME7+LPS (i) brains is shown at 40× (g, h, i) and 63× (inset), respectively. j, TUNEL-positive staining in three cells (arrows) in a single field in the thalamus of an ME7+LPS brain. Inset, Hoescht 33352-stained nucleus showing shrunken and condensed chromatin (left) compared with normal (right). TUNEL-positive DAB staining in a CA3 neuron is shown (k), as identified by morphology and location, with failure to clearly double stain for NeuN (VIP chromagen). l, m, Activated caspase-3-positive cells showing neuronal morphology. An activated caspase-3-positive neuron (o), double stained using immunolabeling for neurofilament heavy chain (p) with overlay (q) in a 1 μm section by confocal microscopy is shown. n shows TOPRO-3 nuclear stain. Scale bars: (in a) a-i, 100 μm; (in m) l, m, 80 μm; n-q, 50 μm.