Involvement of the ROCK pathway in LTP enhancement in adult Ptprz-deficient mice. A, The time course of LTP in adult wild-type (○) and mutant (•) mice in control conditions. Tetanic stimulation (100 Hz, 1s) was applied at 0 min. Sample traces in the inset represent EPSPs (average of 10 consecutive responses) of wild-type (+/+) and mutant (-/-) mice recorded at the times indicated by the numbers. B, Summary of LTP experiments in control conditions. There was a significant difference (*p < 0.05) between wild-type (145.0 ± 5.9% of baseline; n = 8) and mutant (164.7 ± 5.7% of baseline; n = 9) mice. C, The time course of LTP in adult wild-type (○) and mutant (•) mice in the presence of the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632, which was applied from -30 to 0 min. D, Summary of LTP experiments in the presence of Y-27632. There was no significant difference between wild-type (143.5 ± 7.4% of baseline; n = 9) and mutant (155.2 ± 3.6% of baseline; n = 8) mice. NS, Not significant.