Figure 4.
Proportion of cells displaying nicotine-induced FM4-64 staining of α7-nAChR clusters. Cells were subjected to the indicated treatments and then processed for FM4-64 uptake as described in Figure 3. AlexaαBgt was used to label α7-nAChRs. Control, No nicotine; Nic-treated, 10 μm nicotine for 5 min; dTC, 100 μm; MLA, 10 nm; Ca-free, no extracellular calcium; Thaps, 1 μm thapsigargin; KN93, 10 μm; Bot C1, 66 nm botulinum toxin C1; Bot D, 110 nm botulinum toxin D; Inact C1, 66 nm inactive Bot C1; Inact D, 110 nm inactive Bot D; NEM, 1 mm. Values represent the mean ± SEM of results from six or more cultures from three or more experiments per condition.