Axon recognition by oligodendrocytes in optic nerves and axonal degeneration in Olig1-null mutants. A-C, Intermediate filament-negative oligodendrocyte processes (arrows) contact (A) and begin to encircle (B, C) axons (A). Formation of a multilayer membrane flap (C, arrow) near an axon is also observed. These ultrastructural analyses indicate that oligodendrocytes recognize axons and begin the process of ensheathment in Olig1-null (-/-) mice. D, Myelin figures (arrows) within optic nerve axons from -/- mice. E, Axonal swellings and degenerating axons (arrows) are observed in optic nerves of -/- mice. F, High-power view of a degenerating axon (arrow) shown in E showing fragmented cellular organelles and mitochondria. Scale bars, 500 nm.