Figure 3.
Influence of CDM on fights between naive crickets that had no fighting experience for at least 24 h previously. A, Bar graph showing the level of aggression (median ± i.q.r.). Both contestants were previously untreated (open bars; n = 88 pairs), injected with Ringer (100 μl; 20-40 min previously; gray bars; n = 43 pairs), or injected with CDM (100 μl; 20-40 min previously; black bars from left to right: 1, 2, 5 mm; n = 22, 20, and 10 pairs, respectively). B, A sin A but showing fight durations. C, Bar graph showing the frequency of occurrence of characteristic features of cricket aggression (compare Fig. 1) for the agonistic interactions evaluated in A and B (data for 1 and 2 mm CDM pooled; data for 5 mm CDM omitted). Long fights denote the relative frequency of interactions with a duration exceeding the upper quartile range calculated for untreated crickets. D, Win probability of CDM-injected crickets (100 μl; 2 mm; dark gray bar) when paired against Ringer-injected crickets (100 μl). Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences between the two bars indicated with square brackets (A, B, Mann-Whitney U test; C, D, χ2 test; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; n = 38). Untr., Untreated; Ring., Ringer.