Figure 5.
Two critical periods of protein synthesis are required for acquisition and consolidation of eyelid conditioned responses. A, Diagram illustrating the two phases of the experiment. Phase 1 consisted of eight conditioning sessions. During each session, 60 CS-US trials were presented. In this phase, either 100 mg/kg anisomycin (Aniso; experimental subjects) or saline (Sal; control subjects) was injected at variable times from the beginning of each session: -30 and +30 min and +4 h. Because all saline groups were indistinguishable, their results were grouped for the sake of simplicity. For phase 2, the above-mentioned groups received seven additional training sessions 10 d after the end of phase 1; however, neither anisomycin nor saline was administered during these additional sessions. B, C, Acquisition (phase 1) and retention (phase 2) of eyelid CRs, expressed as percentage of response (mean ± SEM). Filled circles, Saline-injected animals; open circles, triangles, squares, mice injected with anisomycin at -30 and +30 min and +4 h, respectively (n = 8 per group). D, The retention index represents the ratio between the percentage of CRs during the first training session of phase 2 and the last training session of phase 1. H, Habituation; C1-C8, first through eighth conditioning sessions; *p ≤ 0.05; **p ≤ 0.01; ***p ≤ 0.001.