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. 2019 Sep 4;14(9):e0220234. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220234

Table 2. Reimbursement for screening tests and for colonoscopy complications, and annual reimbursements for cancer care used in the analysis.

Description Reimbursement* ($)
Screening tests
 mtSDNA 512
 FIT 22
 gFOBT 4
 Colonoscopy, without polypectomy, by indication
  - Screening 735
  - Diagnostic 639
  - Surveillance 724
 Colonoscopy, with polypectomy 870
 Sigmoidoscopy 337
Colonoscopy complications
 Serious GI complication (perforations, GI bleeding, transfusions) 6,847
 Other GI complication (paralytic ileus, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, abdominal pain) 4,878
 Cardiovascular complication (myocardial infarction or angina, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, cardiac or respiratory arrest, syncope, hypotension, or shock) 5,347
Cancer care
Annual reimbursement by stage at diagnosis ($)
Phase of care I II III IV
Initial phase 33,341 47,283 67,300 97,931
Continuing phase 2,685 3,266 5,258 26,474
Terminal phase, non-CRC death 16,701 17,963 24,990 61,238
Terminal phase, CRC death 68,339 77,098 79,770 99,255

CRC = colorectal cancer; FIT = fecal immunochemical test; gFOBT = sensitive guaiac-based fecal occult blood test; GI = gastrointestinal; mtSDNA = multitarget stool DNA test.

* All costs are expressed in 2017 US dollars. Costs of stool-based tests are based on the 2017 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule. Costs of endoscopic procedures are based on 2014 average Medicare payments for a screening sigmoidoscopy and for each type of colonoscopy and include payments for pathology and anesthesia services.

The initial phase of care is the first 12 months after diagnosis, the last year of life phase is the final 12 months of life, and the continuing phase is all the months between the initial and last year of life phases.