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. 2019 Aug 16;8:e48607. doi: 10.7554/eLife.48607

Appendix 1—table 15. Sample characteristics for Tsimane men (n = 261) with and without any thoracic vertebral (T6-T12) fracture (grade ≥1).

A) Fracture
B) No fracture
A vs. Bb
Variable Mean SE Mean SE
Thoracic vertebral BMD (mg/cm3) 169.61 3.84 173.64 2.80 p=0.454
Age (years) 57.04 1.07 55.74 0.71 p=0.392
Height (cm) 160.60 0.53 161.86 0.43 p=0.034
Weight (kg) 63.33 0.94 61.96 0.57 p=0.303
BMI (kg/m2) 24.49 0.29 23.63 0.19 p=0.014
Body fat (%) 19.05 0.76 16.80 0.46 p=0.026
Fat mass (kg) 12.46 0.63 10.56 0.35 p=0.034
Fat-free mass (kg) 51.22 0.68 51.39 0.47 p=0.936
Residential proximity to market (km) 51.28 3.80 56.60 3.07 p=0.315
Spanish fluency (1 = fluent/moderate;0 = none) 0.77 0.05 0.82 0.03 p=0.404
Schooling (# years) 2.02 0.38 1.70 0.24 p=0.639

aRepresents maximum possible sample size (i.e. no missing data).

bP-value from Mann-Whitney U or χ² test.