Figure 5. Norepinephrine requires OCT transporters but not receptor internalization to stimulated PI4P hydrolysis.
NRVMs were transduced with FAPP-PH-GFP and stimulated with norepinephrine (10 μM) in the presence of corticosterone (100 μM, (A), abacavir (10 μM, (B), lamotrigine (10 μM, (C) or Dyngo (40 μM, (D). Data are not significant between norepinephrine and norepinephrine + Dyngo. Images were collected as in Figure 1A for PI4P hydrolysis (N = 3) were from at least 4 cells each from separate preparations of NRVMs. Agonists were added where indicated by the arrow. (E) Dyngo has no effect on NES-Venus-mini-Gs Golgi recruitment by norepinephrine. Representative image of norepinephrine-mediated NES-Venus-mini-Gs recruitment in the presence of Dyngo (40 μM). (N = 3) Scale bars are 10 μm. (F) NRVMs were transduced with adenovirus containing FRB-CFP-Nb80 and FKBP-GalT-mApple along with adenovirus containing FAPP-PH-GFP for 24 hr prior to experimentation. NRVMs were incubated with either rapamycin (1 μM) or DMSO control for 15 min prior to addition of NE (10 μM) added at the arrow. Images were collected as in Figure 1A for PI4P hydrolysis and were from at least n = 10 cells each from three separate preparations of NRVMs. Data were analyzed as means from N = 3 experiments.