Figure 6. Dobutamine and NE stimulate PI4P hydrolysis in Adult Ventricular Myocytes (AVMs).
Freshly isolated mouse AVMs were infected with FAPP-PH-GFP (100 MOI) for 24 hr. (A) representative image of an AVM expressing FAPP-PH-GFP showing strong labeling surrounding the nucleus. (B) FAPP-PH-GFP expressing AVMs were treated with either dob or PBS control as indicated and were imaged as for NRVMs as in Figure 1A for PI4P hydrolysis. Fluorescence intensity in the region surrounding the nucleus was quantitated at 5 min intervals. C) AVMs were treated with PBS control, NE (10 μM) or NE plus abacavir and analyzed as in B. Data for B and C are from at least n = 3 cells each from three separate preparations of AVMs. Data were analyzed as means from N = 3 experiments.