Figure 1. Improved survival of melanoma patients with elevated CD47 expression is associated with markers of early effector NK cells.
(A) Dose-dependent correlation between CD47 mRNA expression and overall survival in TCGA melanoma data. (B) Analysis of TCGA RNAseq data for co-expression correlations between CD47 mRNA and naïve or activated NK signature genes as defined in (27). Spearman’s correlation and p-values determined using cBioPortal tools are presented for TCGA RNAseq data from 469 cutaneous melanoma patients. (C) Overall survival of patients with mRNA expression of the 6 early NK effector signature genes greater than (red) or less than the mean (blue) aggregate values determined by RNAseq analysis (n = 462 patients). (D) IL-15 expression correlates with IL-15 mRNA expression in TCGA melanoma data. (n = 469 patients)