Figure 1.
Characterization of CuS NDs. (a) TEM image of CuS NDs (inset: high-resolution TEM image). (b) Hydrodynamic diameter of CuS NDs measured by dynamic light scattering. (c) ζ-Potential of CuS NDs showing the surface charge is almost neutral. (d) UV–vis–NIR absorption spectrum of CuS NDs showing a strong absorbance band in the near-infrared region. (e) The temperature profiles of CuS NDs irradiated by NIR laser, followed by cooling down by turning off the laser light. An 808 nm laser with the power density of 1.5 W/cm2 was used. (f) Linear time data versus −Ln(θ) from the cooling period of panel versus negative natural logarithm of driving force temperature. (g) Temperature increment versus irradiation power density over a period of exposure to the 808 nm laser. The concentration of CuS NDs was 22.5 μg/mL. (h) Temperature increment over a period of exposure to the 808 nm laser (2.0 W/cm2) at various CuS NDs concentrations. (i) The photothermal image array of CuS NDs photothermal performance versus different power densities and concentrations. (j–l) Cumulative amounts Cu2+ released from the CuS NDs or CuS NPs under irradiation over a period of exposure to the 808 nm laser with different laser power densities of (j) 1.0 W/cm2, (k) 2.0 W/cm2, and (l) 2.5 W/cm2.