Plasma sST2 and outcome in the Copenhagen cohort. A) sST2 over time was also significantly higher in those with poor outcome in the Copenhagen cohort (analysis of response profiles, p = 0.002). B) Similar results were seen for mortality, with sST2 again higher over time in those who died, but this different did not meet the threshold for significance (p < 0.0001). C) In an effort to replicate the Boston cohort results, sST2 concentration at day 3 after ictus, corresponding to the median day of the early timepoint in the Boston cohort, was compared between those with good and poor outcome. Median day 3 sST2 concentration was higher in those with poor outcome (188.5 [IQR 87.4 – 317.6] ng/mL versus 94.3 [IQR 47.2 – 114.5] ng/mL, p = 0.012).