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. 2019 Jul 22;30(16):2014–2024. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E19-01-0059


Model parameters.

Parameter Value/units Definition Source
L 36–138 nm Local average lengths of actin filaments Estimated in Results
N 12–46 Local numbers of subunits in a filament
t0 13 s Parameter used in modeling fc(t)
τ 0.66 s Parameter used in modeling fc(t)
ηA 602 μm–3/μM Conversion factor
μ 0.4 nm/(s · pN) Mobility coefficient Defined in Model
kactive Inline graphic Pa/(μM)2 Active stress coefficient Computed in Model
kvisc Inline graphic Pa⋅s/μM Shear viscosity coefficient Estimated in Model
ρmax 20.15 × 103nA μM Maximum actin density Defined in Model
nmax 6500 Maximum number of actin subunits in a patch Berro et al., 2010
RArp2/3 0.035–0.06 Molar Arp2/3 complex-to-actin ratio
G0 21.6 μM Concentration of actin monomers
fstall 10.5 pN Actin polymerization stalling force Estimated in Results
εmax 6.9 kBT Maximum energy stored in the patch per subunit Estimated in Results
E 1 GPa Young’s modulus of the actin filament Broedersz and MacKintosh, 2014
I πa4/4 nm4 Rotational inertia of the filament
a 3.5 nm Radius of the filament cross-section
δ 2.7 nm Radius of actin subunit
WASp0 259.6 μm–2 Surface density of NPFs Based on Berro et al., 2010
Arp0 1.3 μM Concentration of Arp2/3 complex Berro et al., 2010
C0 0.8 μM Concentration of capping protein
COF0 40 μM Concentration of cofilin