Whole mount cartilage staining revealed that Doxercalciferol decreased metacarpal and phalange cartilage staining in mature autopods (A) relative to age matched, DMSO-treated controls (B). This observation was observed in all analogue treated autopods (N = 9). Hematoxylin and Eosin staining of the distal joint of the metacarpal in Doxcercalciferol- (A’) and DMSO-treated (B’) animals revealed unusual morphology in the epiphysis with Doxicalciferol tretament (red arrow). h.c. – hypertrophic chondrocyte,.s. - primary spongiosa. (C) Older, untreated animals (1 year old, N = 4), had a similar cartilage staining pattern as DMSO treated, juvenile animals. Insets: graphical representations of cartilage staining in the metacarpals. (D) Histogram representing the % of the metacarplas and phalanges that stains positive for cartilage. Doxercalciferol treatment significantly decreased the cartilage staining of the metacarpals and phalanges of mature autopods (t-test, p<0.05, N = 9 for both groups).