Fig. 4.
Effects of DISC1-deficiency on D1R signaling and related behaviors. a Enhanced phosphorylation of ERK1/2. Primary cultured mouse striatal neurons (DIV10) from Disc1-LI or wild-type mouse embryos (E15.5) were treated with DA (10 μM) for 30 min. SCH23390 (10 μM) was pretreated for 15 min. b, c Altered locomotor sensitization to cocaine in wild-type mice (b) and Disc1-LI mice (c). Mice were treated with saline or cocaine (20 mg/kg) in combination with SCH23390 (0.3 mg/kg) as indicated. Data represent total travel distances relative to that on day 1 (n = 6 for WT + cocaine and WT + cocaine + SCH23390; n = 7 for Disc1-LI + cocaine + SCH23390; n = 8 for the others). d, e Comparison of locomotion between wild-type mice and Disc1-LI mice on day 2 (d) and day 5 (e). f Cocaine CPP scores of wild-type (n = 11) and Disc1-LI mice (n = 8) and the effect of pretreatment of SCH23390 (n = 7 for each). Data represent mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; two-way ANOVA with post-hoc Bonferroni test (b, c); one-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey test (a, d, e, f)