Scatter plots showing the expression of mesenchymal stem cell markers by
multicolor flow cytometry analysis. The majority of cells isolated from
intracanal blood following overinstrumentation of the periapical tissues
coexpress mesenchymal stem cell markers. After doublet discrimination,
CD45-negative cells were analyzed for CD73, CD90, CD105, and CD146 using
gates based on the unstained control. CD73 (A) and CD90
(B) were found to be expressed in >95% of cells, whereas
CD105 (C) and CD146 (D) were expressed in 87% and
77% of cells, respectively. (E) Of the CD73 and CD90
coexpressing cells, 9% also expressed CD146 but not CD105 (Q1); 67%
expressed both CD105 and CD146 (Q2); 17% expressed only CD105 but not CD146
(Q3); and 7% did not express either CD105 or CD146. SSC, side scatter.