Atomic force microscopy analysis. The topography and Young’s modulus of
the healthy control’s (A, C) and the patient’s
(B, D) cementum, respectively. The scale
bar is 500 nm. (E) The line profiles corresponding to the
dark dash lines aa′ (A) and bb′ (B). It is evident that the line profile
bb′ (the patient’s) is much smoother than aa′ (the healthy control’s).
(F) The corresponding Young’s modulus distributions of
healthy (dark) and the patient’s cementum (red). The Young’s modulus
distribution for the patient’s cementum is much narrower (7.42 ± 2.39
vs. 9.84 ± 5.13 GPa, P < 0.05), indicating the
disease-associated softness of the cementum.